where corporate social responsibility meets impact and support for businesses

raise the bar

Raise the Bar is an online education platform where businesses, organisations and individuals can learn about Domestic and Family Violence and learn about how it impacts the workplace.


What is Domestic & Family Violence?

The Importance of Language (i.e. harms of victim-blaming)

Impacts of DFV in the Workplace

Intersectional Perspectives

Why Survivors can’t just Leave

Do No Harm

Active Allyship

and more!

core modules pricing

$95 excl gst per participant

Enrol Here

for-purpose discount

25% off core module pricing

For not-for-profit organisations

bespoke packages

need something different?

Reach out to our team today

Raise the Bar is an initiative of ‘The Centre for Women & Co.’ and our subsidiary ‘Men & Co. Services’. Our organisation is the regional domestic and family violence support service in the Logan and Redlands region. We work with individuals who are both experiencing and using violence and abuse in relationships, family dynamics and kinship systems. We work to support these individuals and families from the point of crisis and escalation through to healing and recovery.

We created Raise the Bar as an extension of our social enterprise, Her Platform.

100% of profits are invested in funding primary prevention work within our communities to break the cycle of violence and de-stigmatise mental health concerns.

Primary prevention work complements responsive work. It aims to prevent violence from occurring by addressing risk factors and drivers of violence before it starts. Primary prevention helps shift social attitudes, behaviours and systems that may tolerate, justify or excuse violence.